Reach Out:
This week has been a really incredibly inspiring and productive, challenging and creative week, working with Chris Difford and a host of other songwriters from around the planet.
The whole thing was arranged by Help Musicians and I want to give my absolute and sincere thanks to them for providing me with this great opportunity. I got to work with somebody that I have admired for a long time, and with other writers who have made me up my game significantly.
Tonight, Saturday 12th Sept, we round off with an exclusive in-the-round session with no other than the great songwriters songwriter Elvis Costello.
Obviously, because of COVID-19, like many other people in the real world musicians and songwriters have felt backed up into a corner. These kind of initiatives are and will be the life-blood of our sector as long as we are dealing with this crisis.
To keep things in perspective, I’m mindful of the refugees in Lesvos this week also who are suffering untold misery and strife living out on the road, full families, men, women and children under the elements. I recall the first two weeks I was in Lesvos in 2015. The situation is as dire now as it was then.
Refugee Rescue’s MoChara (our search and rescue vessel) is out of the water in Lesvos, and Refugee Rescue is now funnelling financial resources to groups like Better Days who are on the ground in Greece, making it happen where it is happening. Please consider funding them. I will eventually post other groups who are doing amazing work there. Please keep up the support.